Definitions Citation RSA 424:1 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 airport glare
Definitions Citation RSA 422:3 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 airport glare
Lights Along Highways Citation RSA 236:55 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 roadway lighting glare
New Hampshire Dark Sky Policy Citation RSA 9-E:3 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 glare dark sky
Regulation of Erection and Maintenance of Certain Advertising Devices. Citation RSA 236:74 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 shielding glare roadway lighting billboard and sign illumination
Definitions Citation RSA 9-E:1 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 fully-shielded shielding glare light trespass or spillover lumens or lux or candles
State Purchase of Permanent Outdoor Lighting Design Citation RSA 9-E:2 URL Country USA State New Hampshire Population 1,395,231 roadway lighting light trespass or spillover glare shielding lumens or lux or candles
Airport Affected Area Regulations -- Contents Citation 67-7-203, MCA URL… Country USA State Montana Population 1,122,867 airport glare
Standards for permitted advertising. Citation 75-15-113, MCA URL… Country USA State Montana Population 1,122,867 billboard and sign illumination shielding glare roadway lighting
Signs permitted on certain highways--lighting restrictions--size, location--zones--specifications. Citation § 226.540 R.S.Mo. URL… Country USA State Missouri Population 6,177,957 billboard and sign illumination glare roadway lighting