lighting zones

Decree on Prevention and Limitation of Light Pollution

Name of Act
Decree No. 2011-831 on the prevention and limitation of light pollution
Date of Adoption
EU Member

The decree defines the lighting installations and the equipment of which they can be constituted concerned by the regulations. It specifies the conditions under which its requirements can be adapted to the characteristics of the areas where these installations are located. It gives competence to the minister responsible for the environment and the prefect to prohibit or limit the operation over time of certain lighting installations. Finally, it gives the competent authority the possibility of sanctioning infractions of the regulations with an administrative fine. Provide several approaches to light pollution mitigation according to various types of lighting installations.

Regulation on Lighting Plan

Name of Act
Regulation on the Content, Format and Method of Creating a Lighting Plan and an Action Plan for the Construction and/or Reconstruction of Outdoor Lighting
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This Ordinance prescribes the content, format and method of delivery of the lighting plan (hereinafter: the Plan) and the action plan for the construction and/or reconstruction of outdoor lighting (hereinafter: the Action Plan), the method of informing the public about the Plans and Action Plans, the method of submitting data for the needs of the environmental and nature protection information system, as well as other related issues.

Regulation on Measuring and Monitoring

Name of Act
Regulation on measuring and monitoring environmental illuminance NN 22/2023
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This Ordinance prescribes the method of measuring environmental illuminance, the content and method of creating a report on the measurement performed, and the method of measurement to determine the level of illuminance.

Regulation on Lighting Zones

Name of Act
Regulation on lighting zones, permitted lighting values and methods of managing of enlightenment systems
Date of Adoption
EU Member

This Regulation provides for mandatory methods and conditions of enlightenment control; determines lighting zones and protection zones (classification, see Annex), maximum permissible lighting values, conditions for selection and installation of lamps, energy efficiency criteria, conditions and maximum permissible values of correlated color temperature of light sources, obligations of local self-government units, in relation to prescribed standards. This text is divided into four Chapters as follows: I. General provisions; II. Environmental enlightenment management standards; III. Ways and conditions of enlightenment management; IV. Final provisions.